Senin, 04 April 2011

1-4 Week Pregnancy

Early weeks of pregnancy, mothers only feel the signs of not having the usual menstrual cycle and followed by feelings of fatigue or emotion rather excessive.

In some people it is still possible existence of such a mild blood vlek menstruate but only for 1 day. At this time the mother may try to take a pregnancy test that can be done by using the Test Pack is easily found at your nearest drugstore or to a local laboratory. After that mothers can find an obstetrician or midwife who will assist during pregnancy until delivery.

In this period, mothers are advised to start using special additional vitamins or folic acid pregnant women or milk containing vitamins and folic acid. In this phase, the fetus mother is still very small but has already begun to form the head and heart (starts beating, albeit very slowly).

The fetus also had begun to form male or female based on the chromosomes present in sperm.
READ MORE - 1-4 Week Pregnancy

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

How to get Pregnant

The presence of a child is the desire of every married couple. However, not every wife pregnant soon after marriage, some of them even has dozens of years of marriage but has not been blessed with children.

Here are tips on pregnancy waiting to come soon:

1. Do marital intercourse during the wife's nose sensitivity increases.
According to research if a woman went through a phase where the smell of smells sensitive, then it is in the time of ovulation or the fertile conditions. Do not neglect this opportunity, make love to her and do not forget to read the prayer first.

2. It takes patience to overcome the fact that only 15 per cent chance of pregnancy each month.
According to research, most women at age 30 and older took 8 months and have intercourse as many as 140 times in order to get pregnant, but the success rate is only 15 percent each month.

3. Dental health and oral cavity to be pregnant
One of the conditions to be pregnant, for a wife is a dental and oral health. Health and hygiene of this area was also noteworthy. According to research that gum infection is one of the triggers of preterm delivery or fetal death, but it has the potential to weaken the sperm that will fertilize the female egg cell. Therefore keep the cleanliness and health of the oral cavity and teeth, in addition, a lazy husband would spark if the wife's mouth odor.

4. Foreplay or heating
Also, according to research, for men do foreplay long before ejaculation will produce 25 million sperm. Therefore increase the duration of foreplay, which is also recommended as a way appropriate for pregnant women easier.
READ MORE - How to get Pregnant